Acht Eimer Hühnerherzen

I was instantly attracted to the name. It translates as Eight Buckets of Chicken-hearts. If it was black metal you'd kinda give it a nod and just assume that it's part of their rider, or something. But this is acoustic-ish jangly punk.

Acht Eimer Hühnerherzen

I'm not sure if it is DIY, but there is a definite DIY-ethic to this self-titled album by Acht Eimer Hühnerherzen. I was instantly attracted to the name. It translates as Eight Buckets of Chicken-hearts. If it was black metal you'd kinda give it a nod and just assume that it's part of their rider, or something. But this is acoustic-ish jangly punk. Maybe not acoustic - but not hugely overdriven fuzzy guitars. Delightful jangle.

My German isn't good enough to understand everything they sing about, but it gives off a vibe of reflections of early middle-age life.

"Mittelmaß" is all about enjoying mediocrity. And love/like.

Das macht Spaß, Mittelmaß
Das macht Spaß mit dir im Gras
Es ist so langweilig
Und deshalb mag ich dich

This is fun, mediocrity
This is fun with you in the grass
It's so boring
And that's why I like you

"Eis auf ex" is, as far as I can tell, all about various mad ice cream flavours, and enjoying eating ice cream. And the German way of making ice cream spaghetti (extruded ice cream in spaghetti shapes).

Wassereis für 20 Cent
Chilli Basilikum
Zwiebeleis, Knoblauch
Tomate mit Soja
Kartoffeleis, Blättereis
Spinat mit Paprika
Und Lebertraneis, heute sei es mit Soja

Water ice for 20 cents
Chilli basil
Onion ice cream, garlic
Tomato with soy
Potato ice cream, puff ice cream
Spinach with pepper
And cod liver oil ice cream, today it's with soy

It's wholesome, fun, boppy and worthwhile listening to. Give it a go.