Canola Fields
I love canola fields. They remind me of summer and childhood in Sweden. They remind me of youth living on the Fleurieu Peninsula. It's always a highlight when I get to photograph a sunset over a canola field. Like I got to on a road-trip to Canberra. We were 10 hours or so in, the sun was low in the sky, and this presented itself. Canola fields are special for me. They hold an important place in my spirit.
Anyway. This is about music, not crops.
I've had a pretty tough time the last couple of years. Lots of reasons. Unhappily employed being one of them. So I was looking for work. A friend sent me and email with some sites to look at for job hunting. Environmental stuff, mostly. Business opportunities, too. That they took the time to do that was kind on its own, but it was the signoff that really gave me a boost. It was a link to the song Canola Fields by James McMurtry.
There's no way that they would have known just how much that would mean. How meaningful just the title of the song would be. The memories - emotions, smells, sounds. Even the physical sensation of the wind and sun. Grass and gravel underfoot.
But there it was. Just what I needed. A song at the end of an email about job opportunities.
Brightening days. Weeks. Months.
Thanks Matt.
Take my hand, Marie
Take a death grip on some part of me
Keep me from drifting far out to sea
Or I'll be lost out there