Punk Rock Chasing Ghosts After hearing their songs and, probably more importantly, the stories between the songs I felt more educated on a subject that I embarrassingly knew very little (if anything) about.
Punk Rock No Control I still remember exactly where I was when I heard this album for the first time. As an emigrant family, a lot of people from "home" would come and stay with us. Often people we didn't know.
Indie-Rock High Violet I still think of High Violet by The National as a new album. At over 13 years old, it really isn't new any more, especially since the band has released three more studio albums since High Violet was released in May, 2010.
Skate Punk Out of Bounds ...I rewound the tape and hit play. It tracked for a bit, then launched immediately into In A Rhyme by No Fun At All. I'd missed the start of the show (Rage doesn't have a regular starting time, it kicks off when the last show for the day is done)...
Metal Slaughter of the Soul I listened to this album a lot in the 90s. Mostly at night, while playing Quake on the network at boarding school. They went well together - roughly contemporary and thematically similar.
Metal The Valley In 2020 Emma Ruth Rundle and Thou released a 7 track album that has literally haunted me in my sleep: May Our Chambers Be Full.